This is the part 3 of the posts 'the night sky hovered..' and 'she prayed to the skies..'...Please do read them before you read this post.

The good looking man was stunned to find a beautiful brunette draped in a red gown staring at him.He smiled and winked at her.She hesitated a bit and clutched her nail flier more firmly in her hand as if ready to attack.
He said," Hey beautiful!..What you are doing here?"
Ahh!!..flirting....Shzara had a blind eye for flirting. She cannot be manipulated with compliments or flirting. She entered the room and closed the door, 'bad move' she thought to herself. She demanded," What are you here, mister? This place is only for the President and high officials."
The dark haired guy realized that he has got a shark in his net, he needs to watch out. He adjusted his chunky glasses buying time to answer diplomatically. While adjusting his glasses, his black eyes suddenly fell upon the white pearl which was sitting with ease around her neck. His eyes were glued to it as if he has at last found his long lost treasure. But Shzara shifted uncomfortably under his gaze which descended on her neckline.She cleared her throat to divert his attention and said furiously," Where the hell do you think you are looking?"
Shzara just got a clear picture of the man in front of her --that he is pervert!!!...Even before knowing the girl his eyes were already darting in the wrong direction.
Mr. Chunky Glasses realized that he was misunderstood. He wanted to explain but he realized he didn't have enough time. It will here anytime.So he said," From where you got that pearl?"
Shzara was taken a back by the change of topic.She snapped,"None of your business. He replied teasingly," Oh girl, its all my business."
"Give me the pearl, girl"..he thought it rhymed
"Like I am going to give you if just you ask for it."
"Don't mess with me.Just give the pearl or else..."
Shzara realized that Mr. Chunky Glasses was getting dangerous.She tightly held her nail flier to her side and demanded,"Or what else?"
He smiled and from his left pocket a pistol emerged. Shzara froze. "Now you know what else?", he replied smugly. Shzara didn't know what to do give her uncle's gift the pearl necklace to him and say'Dude, I was just kidding and this necklace is all yours' and run away as soon as possible or second option punch him though it wouldn't hurt him much as his physique was much stronger than hers.
She wondered why would anyone threaten her for a simple pearl necklace or was there something else to it??..She had to find out.
The pistol carrying handsome realized that he had to make his way the hard way...again rhymed.In no time he caught her arm and turned her and handcuffed both her hands and kept the pistol's mouth against her back. She wanted to scream but she she knew one scream and she wouldn't be able to scream again...she meant he'll shoot her in no time.Irritated, afraid and pain struck... she said,"This is not funny."
"Did I say this is funny?"
"Now what?"
"Give me the pearl."
"Moron!!! you handcuffed me!!How can I ever give you the pearl in this condition??"
"If you promise to give me then I'll release you."
"Oh stupid thief!!...can't you take it yourself now!!"
She regretted her words. She was giving him the treasure herself but he didn't have that much common sense or what??
He snapped back,"I can't!!..that's the problem..otherwise I got enough brains for that. Girl, I have to make this into a scene so that you hand me that necklace yourself or what??"
She didn't quite understood it but this wasn't a time to ask for explanation of his intentions but she thought staring him with rage would do the best work to hide her she stared at him with rage..
But surprisingly he was calmer and cooler than his strong voice which was urgent. He pushed the pistol hard into her back and forced her to walk out of the office and up the room....(contd)

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