This is a funny true story and I can personally vouch for its provenance. The history and era of this story is relevant, it happened at least 40 years ago back in the 1960s. When I say, vouch for the story, the basics facts are true, as with many stories, they improve with a little embellishment. To digress, one of my theories on gender is that women have better memories then men, certainly the women in my life have a better memory than mine. This variable memory gave me an idea, I could write the story with two endings.

At our recent family reunion, the female members of the all family agreed that the above facts were essentially true. However, my memory differs. In my version of Uncle Jack's story, the person in charge of the trusties was also on the bus, and that when they got off at the Asylum entrance, they plucked Uncle Jack off the bus and into the Asylum. As I remember Uncle Jack telling the story, he said that the more he complained the more the authorities thought he was an inmate, who had gone into remission. Moreover, I seem to remember that before the institution agreed to release him, my Aunt had to go to the asylum in person, and show the governor Uncle Jack's driving licence.


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