I don't want to watch another movie with you!
Last time you munched on chips so loud..
the people in the front row picked up a fight with you..
and I couldn't even get to watch the real dishum dishums on the screen.

You behave like a nut in the restaurant...
whistling under your breath at every passing gal..
One day you got it..from the guy in the ponytail!

You hate shopping and make no bones of it.
Last friday at the mall, suddenly you went missing.
I searched panic stricken all over..
finally found you snoozing away in the car.

You love parties.
And end up making a fool of yourself..
cracking the silliest jokes, with your bum friends laughing away to glory..
Some days you get so drunk and I literally have to drag you home by the collar.
I, so embarrassed, somehow make it home in one piece.

Your clothes sense!
Don't talk about it.
Why, the other day you wore a green shirt over orange trousers, with gum boots to match!

Catch me going out with you again on a date!

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