She was a born leader with creative ideas, an all-rounder, smart,beautiful, more mature than her age and good at everything she did.
She was thrown into lands unknown and hoped to make a firm impression before she left cementing it with friendship, sincerity and learning more than she was required to.
She was slowly estranged when people felt out of her league,jealous and inferior not realising that she never saw the difference and loved them all equally, showering everyone with decency and just wanting to be on good terms with one and all.
She trusted simply,not realising that it was only in her mind where everyone lived a happy, harmonious life,exuded charm and gracefulness and such things never existed in the conniving,heartless people around her who wanted to bring her down.
She was brought down bad,shattered,played with,insulted and left soulless,with no strength to fight back for herself or believe in the sweet promises of friendship,love or laughter.They succeeded as she lay defeated.
She was now one of them.

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