They say God created us
after His resemblance.
Do you believe it,
because I can not ?!
the chaos would be
in the world
if all the time
God would think
of the meaning
of His eternal life..
Yet, He does not!
He knows that he exists
just to give birth
and take care
of the universal life..
I am sure
that at the moment
of mankind's creation
God a woman was
and a woman created first,
but falling in love
with his creation,
he discovered
that he's man half.
He created the man:
no, not from mud-
why so much work-
but from a piece of nail,
so, this is the reason why
men look for "polishing"
Men spread on earth,
forgetting him,
but He misses us a lot,
still, He is patient,
waiting for us to feel
the need of coming back.
But I admit,
sometimes He plays
football with us,
kicking some asses
to make us want
to reach in His lap!
the women are busy
giving life and
taking care to raise it-
for them is enough
to light a candle
and put a garland
to the God symbol feet.
About men?
What can I say?
They simply too very much
are enjoying this game.