I heard recently of this young man who took over reins of a big organisation and brought in a complete revamp.
He shunted out the corrupt. Replaced them with the upright.
He grasped things with terrific insight and discerned with an eagle's eye.

A man of action. A total workaholic. With outstanding principles too.
He refused his array of personal surplus staff, downsized them to just bare minimum.
He met his home expenses out of his own pocket. Not from the organisation as his predecessors did.
He refused a second vehicle for his spouse. Went home in the evening by bus.
Flatly refused to meet his old classmate during office hours.
Refused a retired men his dues when he found out indiscrepancies in his earnings.

By then he made new enemies. Hordes of them aiming at his throat. He remains unfazed. A top guy summoned him. Asked him why he did what he did.
Without blinking an eye he replied.' Shunt me wherever you wish.. even the worst place. I'm ready. Only I won't bend on my principles.'

He's been shunted already year by year. Because he's a man of principles.
An upright, honest man.
He refuses to bend.
There's hope for our nation.
God, send us more like him.

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