After the 7th or 8th call of
hers, he finally called her...
She (with silent sobs): Pls do not disconnect the call,
sing a song for me naa, i want to fall asleep peacefully...
He: Pls stop it!!! It's over! I am sorry, I won't...
She: (Silent)
He: Why do you want to be in this relationship now?
What's left?
She: (silent) Tears trickled down her already swollen
He: Pls talk if you want to. Do not just stay quiet. Answer
me or just hang up.
She: (Trying hard not to show him that she's dying to
hear those three magical words from him)
He: Pls do not call continuously if you have nothing to
talk about. Bye. Take care...
She could hear the disconnecting tone.
*In her Mind*
"What should i tell you? I cannot believe it's YOU who is
asking what's the use of this relationship anymore. I
want, rather i NEED OUR relationship because I LOVE YOU!
Isn't it the only reason needed? You asked me what's
left? How am I supposed to tell you that LOVE is left, and
that's all WE needed ONCE I am afraid of showing my tears
to you, because you remember? You always wanted me to
be an independent, strong girl, YOUR GIRL... :')"
And she let those pearl drops flow, without making any
efforts to hold them... Because at times you need to let
your emotions come out through those tears, else they
make your heart heavier with each passing moment... :')

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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