As I watch this year gather its shattered, final remnants... I pause. To remember.

Those lovely moments with my precious ones. The fun, the laughter, the playful dance with smiles prancing on our lips.

The beautiful get togethers, the awesome meals, gushing compliments, serving of one another... I can just sit back and say Wow!

But there were moments... of sorrow, of misgivings..anger rising, so unforgiving me, but I soon, with His help, went out of my way and made sure I patched up with an unprecedented 'Sorry' that surprised me.

Times of giving when I didn't want to, going where I didn't mean to. Walking the extra mile...that extra effort, a wee bit extravagant me.
A smile when all I had was a frown. Going the opposite way, flowing against the tide...that's what He has taught.

Some laughter here, a giggle there. The year ends, I know my labor's not in vain.

Some great movies..a barfi ..a kahani, or even an English Vinglish. Fine acting, fit for the Oscars...subtly focused, freedom from age old Masala.
How refreshing!

A year of loss ..of gain, of pain and of shame, but quickly I overcame ....with heavy doses of love, of hope and faith in His eternal goodness.

A year when I met WriterBabu. And fell head over heels in love with him. I didn't know I had it in me. He uncovered it. So patiently. Amazing, youthful budding writers. Great comments to give, great ones to receive. Was love at its wonderful best.

I look around now, away from this selfish me. At flickering newspaper images, like a candle's dying flame. Many hopes, many aspirations died. So suddenly. In a night of horrendous, unearthly violence. I shake myself out of my stupor, surely am dreaming this one, I'm sure.

"God, You said so legibly, so succintly in Your Word, that All things work together for our Good," I remind Him. "Could anything good come out of this one?" I cry.

He's silent. For once.

Maybe I can see, maybe cannot... but the coming year will uncover all that He has in store.

For you. For me. If we just trust and believe.

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