I watch her often as I fiddle around with my cooking in my kitchen. I lift my gaze through my window to see her.

This woman with short black hair. She appears in her balcony to put out clothes for drying.
Her hair's now grown. A year and half ago, she was bald. I wondered why. Did she have cancer?
Now she looks sad. Is this the same woman who once looked cheerful and pretty?
Then I see her frail, super thin Mom-in-law darting around in the balcony. Does she scold her daughter-in-law? Why is she so glum?

Did the cancer reappear? Or did her girl fare badly in exams? Is the other daughter on her phone all day? Does she have a boyfriend?
Does this bug her?
How I wish I could lay my hand on her shoulder and say,'All will be well.'
But how can I? I don't even know her.

My eyes rove to the adjoining balcony. The guy's missing. The fellow who swayed from side to side and shrieked his guts out sometimes. Is he okay? The autistic man?

I hear chirps of delight. I look below the first woman's flat.
There they are. The two not-so-tiny-now tots.
Boy, have they grown!
The little fella runs all over the place. His older sister looks thinner but runs faster than her cute brother.

My tea's boiling. I pour it out into four blue cups arranged in a row.
Dad-in-law's much better now. He moves around with help. He's hungry all the time.
That reminds me, I must make paranthas for him in the evening.

I shoot my glance at the woman in her balcony once more.
My questions remain unanswered.
My mom-in-law appears in the kitchen. To take stuff for her hubby.
I wonder ...I just wonder.
What that woman in her balcony thinks of me!

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