Gentle dawn breeze through curtains tall ocean
Fleeting o’er sleepy soul, eyes silently ticking clock
And clinches hung the Wind Chime, in contented motion
Twirls Chime, chants harmony on this dearest knock.
Glides wind the song, door to door on lighter wings
Like music echoed Olympus that Apollo Phoebus played
Or song of beauty girl for lover she warmly sings
Overheard country-boy and forever they stayed.

You have been source of life, endless flow of psalms
In shape of my impulsion summing up to me alms
O wind! You flow always, O Chime! You blow forever
Your songs shall echo till eternal, in heart shall die it never.

Poet's Comments:
I have especially been attached to wind-chimes and their magical song. In the morning time when early breeze passes through blue curtains on window and gently strikes the hanging wind chime, the twittering melody it produces and breaks my sleep. The music is as impactful and amazing as if it was produced and God of music, Phoebus Apollo that echoed through mountain Olympus. Or as it was the song the beautiful girl that she sings in the want of her country-boy lover who overhears her song and forever comes to her.

This song has been a very indifferent part of my life and source of inspiration. And I wish it to remain forever so that I always keep getting the magical touch of this love, joy and inspiration. There is metaphor in last two lines which can be interpreted differently by readers according to their point of views

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