The way he looked at her, the way all girls want to be looked at. He stared into her eyes like he wanted to recover something, some vision of him, he saw with her together. He just stared and smiled into her eyes as she was talking non stop about her neighbour's small bunny that he had bought from outer country. He couldn't help it but just listened to whatever she said without uttering a word. Her sweet words & cute voice made him stop all his work. He was helpless in front of her.
Soon the teacher entered the room and asked him "Why are you sitting ideal ?, I have given some work. You will have to stay after class and complete it if you don't complete it now!". He hurriedly picked up his pen and started scribbling on his notebook. "Look at your bloody handwriting. You're an hopeless creature." The teacher said.
To this accusation she stood up and said "Madam, i was just helping him to solve the problem's as he was having difficulty to do it." To this the teacher didn't say much and continued inspection of other kid's works. They both smiled at each other and continued writing in their respective notebooks.
This was the first day of his extra tutions his parents had enrolled him because they thought he wouldn't study at home. A guy like him didn't need to study as he was smart but he just didn't knew it yet. School hadn't started yet. It was going to start from the next day. As to his surprise even she was in the same class as he was. He was jumping with joy inside his heart. She asked him "Would you sit by my side in school too ?". And he just nodded his head smiling like an idiot. He bided her good bye after class as she went with her mother.
He got up early morning, got ready in not more than 20 minutes which included him brushing, bathing, having his breakfast, putting up his clean pressed clothes, polishing his school shoes, packing his bag as per the time table & stepping his foot outside the house at 6:45 sharp. As he marched for his school, he constantly kept thinking about how he is going to sit beside a girl. Means he hasn't sat beside a girl till now ! At'least not in school!
She had her clothes ironed as steel & her hair having one single plait hanging downwards tied with a black ribbon. She had a rectangle bag with two stripes tightly buckled to her arms. And he thought about how neatly she presented herself. He admired her from head to toe. With sharp features, pitch black eyes and snow white skin, no doubt she was pretty as he couldn't take his eyes off her the moment she entered the class at school. She came by his side and sat down on the bench and gently placed her bag right behind her & she looked at him and smiled. He returned the smile too.
After school prayers, the class teacher made an announcement that the new comers in the class have been shifted to another division due to lack of space. And called out some names to which she stood and walked to the teacher with her bag again on her shoulders. She and some other students left the room for their new given classroom. She just waved at him and he did the same too. Not knowing he had his heart broken even before falling in love with her. He just sat on his bench thinking about her and his love that didn't even have a proper start which ended before beginning.
Strange, isin't it ?