She was restless the entire morning.
She had an appointment with the dentist that evening.
As the hours crept by, her apprehensions grew within her.
She just wished all would go well.
Ten past four.
She arrived at the clinic.

A bespectacled woman in a blue apron called out her name.
"My very first .." she exclaimed aloud to the woman in blue.
"How old are you?" the lady queried smilingly as she laid out the couch for her nervous patient.
"Forty seven" she proclaimed truthfully.
"Astounding. Very good."

She then proceeded to spray something into her patient's wide open mouth.
"Am a bit asthmatic." The woman, feeling foolish by now, confided in her.
"It happens. It's your first time."

The woman in blue inserted a needle into her molars, wouldn't withdraw it for ages.
"Just one moment, it's over..don't pull my hand away," the woman in blue laughed.
The patient jumped back into sitting position.
"Painful ..and my right cheek is NUMB.Feels like lead!"
"It's fine. Will last for just two hours."

The woman settled down finally, watching with one eye open, as the dentist and her assistant proceeded with deft hands to drill, drain, drill, drain..
then fill, polish, double polish the cavity in the patient's molars.
A good hour passed by.
"You can now rinse your mouth," she advised her exhausted patient.
She wanted to flee!
"Do I come back?" she asked nervously.
"No. Wait... should we do the tooth extraction too now?"

The woman, a thousand rupees poorer by now, simply fled!
She was ME.

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