I was born in a family as the eldest child! Then what? I soon became the pampered brat as all first born. But this is not the story I am telling, so hold your imagination's horses with a tight rein.

Din't learn to control the bladder or the bowels and my parents did the worst of things. They sent me to an alien place called 'school'. It seemed like they were sick of their pumpkin (a name I hate till date as it described by face cut rather well) already! I would ask the all Mighty Did you sent me into this hell for this!!!

Soon became acclimatized to school as well. Made couple of friends, days would pass by playing around. Times once again took a change, For worse this time. Had to face the mental torture called studies. Before I could calm myself thinking the worse is over I was proved wrong. Parents started making non humanly demands saying I have to excel in studies extra curricular this and that.... My parents seemed more like toddlers making silly demands over every candy they set their eyes upon and I would think... What and then I am the baby of the family??? Even I think of less even on my birthdays their demands have no end all year round and worse get beatings for this??? I hate life I would think often.

Then came the refugee in the form of friends I would think why cant we make a family out of friends only man! soon the school was ending and the pressure started chocking me! You have to get into the top most college! Mr. A was saying his child will get into the best college they are expecting a position in the board exams. Sure! Only if the board members were high when they were checking his paper he will! I wanted to kill all my neighbor kids and cousins. Well they felt the same so I thought twice about fighting and watched my back instead.

Soon came the college and began the university life. Oh and then what I fell in love like all.... It means I had acquired wings no matter how tight the situation in class was I was flying in la la land always :))). But like all the other things this did not last long either! Got ditched over a fact I drove a rusty bike as compared to an a.. H... who bought Harley from his dad's load of bucks.

Before I could graduate my parents had become the monsters again! Baita now you are stepping in to professional world! you will have to get a nice job Mr. A was...... Oh no! That bag of worm still crawls my skin ugh......

Then what graduated got a decent job. Even started liking the challenge. BUT!!! History repeats itself my parents had now become the monsters worth an oscar winning movie! They could not understand the fact I needed some settlement they got me married!! Before I could enjoy anything with my partner we became 3 and then 4! What was I thinking man! The pressures kept on increasing. But nothing ever is completely wrong you see. I had kids Which meant I could have some of my revenge now so I developed red horns and a tail came sprouting! I was torturing my kids. But (once again) Before I could wear the gown and go to oscar level I got a start I was totally unprepared for!

My monsters..... I dont recognize them! where are their avatars??? Instead I saw love struck puppies who could not stop drooling over my little mutts. As the famous word goes BUT that did not last long either. The people who I thought of monsters were my angels all along! Surely a bunch with weird ways! But angels never the less. Before I could thank them or do half the things they did for me, They flew away to their real home' Heaven.

It seems like yesterday as I lay on my bed. Normal seemingly easy chores now looking like a task to me. I see my kids caught in the same circle, doing the same. But I now know before you realize the end it reaches you viciously. And before you learn to fight it the fight looses you that is why I guess it is called 'The vicious circle of life'.

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