last night after a storm and rains it was a day of hide and seek of electricity for hours today.
sunday the only day of relief nowadays as the workload is a lot, was ruined.
adding to the hot 39'C, humidity and absence of water in my hostel made the day worse.
although i couldn't stop cursing the electricity department i realised one thing today...
THE VALUE OF BIJALI KA PANKHA... and yes i hv a story related to it. little but touchy..

few days back i was sitting in orthopedics OPD of the hospital where i work as an intern and watching patients ( yes we do that due to lack of PG course in our hospital and scarcity of doctors but not to worry coz we dont take anything lightly and are demanded to be dedicated and caring so we can actually treat patients and we do that properly as far as possible). there was a lot of rush in the OPD and suddenly my eyes somehow got fixed on a little 7 year old girl who was looking above as if she was amazed and fascinated by something... i didn't see anything to be fascinated on the roof. suddenly the girl started saying something to her mom and what i listened was "MAA DEKH BIJALI KA PANKHA" and she kept on repeating it about four times.. her mom gave her a smile and they walked out of room as our senior doctor has already written her a prescription. I was so touched that time that i could have cried but owing to my dignity i didn't as i was in midst of many patients and collegues. that day onwards i have not been able to forget those words of that child... and today i really felt what exactly is the value of this bijali ka pankha. i wont write more as i think readers would already have understood what i am trying to convey..

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