Her first love is to "Love men". You l be wondering all women love men. But she loves all men and women. She loves people so much that she wishes to bring smile on the entire world population's face. She loves working for other to bring a change in their life. For their betterment. Social work is like pleasure to her.

She is nice is to every one. She cannot hurt others. Her general philosophy says "The more you give, the more you get".

She is a book lover. You can never find her idle. She starts reading whenever she has nothing to do. She believes that her metro ride is meant for reading.

She is a nerd. Her scores have been exceptionally good since she started studying. She loves studying. Social science including politics and economics are her favorite subjects.

She is very spiritual. She prays to gods to from all the religions. She believes that there is one supreme power which rules the world. That power knows what is right and wrong. So whatever happens, happens for good. God cannot be unjust to anyone.

She is homely girl. She likes spending time with her family. She enjoys the company of her grandmother and mother as much as her childhood best friends. Her aim in life is to make her father proud of her.

She has a bunch of friends. And those are her life. Her key to happiness. She cannot live without discussing every detail of her life with her two best friends. Her friends adore her. She might not have a large group of friends around her, those she have are precious to her.

No doubt, is a Bollywood buff. Shahrukh Khan is the person who can make her believe that "true" love is possible.

She is not very fond of love stories. She is not at all a chocolate, roses, Valentine's day type girl. She is simple girl and hopes that her life partner will love her for she is.

One movie character which describes her is "Scholar Naina" from Ye Jawani h Deewani. That is why, YJHD is one of her favorite movies

She doesn't want much from life. She wants to travel the world. Explore. Africa is her dream destinations. She wants to work in intolerable locations, and bring a change in the life of their inhabitants through education.

I met her by a matter of chance!

She is not the one with whom you l fall in love at first sight. She is that type of girl with whom you l fall in love as you spend time with her. At a slow pace. And suddenly one day you l realize that You are madly in love with her...

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