.......just then Kevin walked in and said,"Guys, gotta go." Kevin looked more of a spy than a wedding planner's assistant with his black tuxedo and the bluetooth in his ear and black spiked hair.
All the three went down and started attending the guests. Then suddenly out of nowhere a man moved in and tapped Amrit on her shoulder and she turned back with a fast jerk and said with a sigh,"Gosh, you got me startled. By the way who are you?" She asked in a demanding tone. He looked with his eyebrows arched up and gave her a smoldering stare.He said,"Will you dance with me?" She narrowed her eyes and said in a stern tone,"And why will I do that?"
He put his one hand in his pocket and the second one he used to get a rose out of nowhere and placed it in front of her and said,"Because you are hot." She blushed and smiled and asked,"Do you really think so?".He looked down at his feet and then he looked at her and both started laughing and said,"Not at all!!!!!"
She punched him in the shoulder and exclaimed,"KABIR!!!".Now you must be wondering who the hell is he???.....not our hero but someone really important. Lets get his introduction. He is Amrit's college friend, they both studied together in London. Kabir is every bit of the bad boy, he is a playboy,a richie rich,a devil's mind with a cool personality.
Amrit looked at Kabir's dress. He was wearing a jeans,a T-shirt, a jacket and around his neck was a very attractive scarf.She said," Not aptly dressed for the occasion, honey. By the way, what a pleasant surprise!!! Why you here???" He said with childlike smile," I have come to give you this." He zipped open his bag and took out a fancy envelope and handed her.She went through it for a minute and then started shouting and jumping with excitement while the wedding vows were in progress. All turned to see who was disturbing the wedding and they saw the GREAT Amrit dancing.
Kabir pulled her hand and said to the crowd," Just too happy for the duo", and he pointed in the direction of the wedding couple. Amrit feeling embarrassed quickly mumbled,"Sorry",then she resumed to her dancing but this time at a bit quieter level. From far away Paul and Kevin were staring at Amrit and Kabir.The former was suspicious while the latter was angry at Amrit for making such noise.
Amrit tightly pulled Kabir's hand and was screaming and singing and dancing in silence as if a silent movie was going on and people from far away were giving her weird stares and were wondering' what the hell is she doing?'.......
She said with a joy in her voice,"I cannot believe Emma is getting married and she has invited me", Kabir shot back,"by the way us not only you".She popped the question," But where???...this card is not the way wedding cards are supposed to be. It is just a letter saying she has found love of her life and blah and blah and blah."
Kabir chuckled and said,"Don't you worry. I called her up when I got my card and she asked me to give you this since I was in the town and told me to come to London for the wedding." Amrit 's mind went over the leftover business that she had to complete....the bills to be paid...the dates to be arranged...the bookings.....OMG!!!OMG!!!She asked him suddenly," From when to when is the wedding?" He gave her a weak smile and said," God, Emma and her hubby only knows. She didn't say anything about it.She just insisted to..." suddenly a woman with backless gown passed by and Kabir went blank and stood there staring at her. Amrit punched him and said,"Ohhh my dear CASANOVA, please continue."
Kabir was no longer interested in the talk but only and only in the backless blonde which just passed by.He replied with his eyes noting her every move....you now which move....,"Hmmmm nothing you just have to be there a day after tomorrow.The plane tickets are in this envelope...bye...I seriously gotta go...she is going." Yeah you go off wagging your tail after her, thought Amrit. But London....that too day after tomorrow...what will I do???......

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