.....Suddenly a yellow cab halted in front of her and a similar face ducked out and greeted her with a smile. He said in his Korean accent,” Ma’am, at your service.”And as he said that he touched the rim of his cap. She smiled and winked at him and said,” On time, Jay.” Jay was an immigrant from China. Though not being tall and having a muscular body, he was very good and cute looking and he could easily charm people and make girls interested in him with his personality. But fate was neither charmed nor interested in him that is why throughout his life he could only fancy the job of a cab driver.
She hurriedly stepped into the cab and it drove away. She said,” Jay, can you please turn the rear-view mirror this side?” and pointed in the direction. He nodded and turned it.”A bit more”, he did,” More Jay. I can’t see myself in it.” He replied irritated,” My Angelina Jolie, this mirror is for me to see the vehicles not for you to put on your tons of make- up!!” She raised her one eyebrow and gave him a look. He turned and saw she was staring daggers at him, so he quickly resumed himself and turned the mirror as ordered by her. “Love you, Jay”, he smiled, “......as a friend and only a friend” , she quickly added. Jay replied teasingly,” Of course, sweetheart!!”They started laughing.
She quickly rushed barefooted towards MAZE HOTEL, everyone was staring at her. And then she realized her stilettos were still in her hands. Standing between the stairs she quickly started wearing them, sometimes half falling in front, half falling backwards and here and there and sometimes over people and sometimes over the staircase rod. At last she wore them, victory!!! Victory!!!......she thought. After resuming her balance she ran for the doors. As she did her leg got tangled in her romper and to free it she kicked her leg backwards and it hit a man carrying downwards a seven tier cream filled wedding cake and he lost his balance and the cake fell on a black haired man wearing a tuxedo. His face got covered with strawberry cream and all other types too. Every inch of this tuxedo got a creamy icing.
When Amrit turned to see the consequences of her action, she felt guilty as well as a strong urge to laugh at the man whose face she indirectly covered with cream. She immediately ran towards him with her handkerchief and started flooding him with apologies. She started wiping off the cream off his face and coat, but there was too much cream that he could not be recognized at all. Amrit knew this all was going to take lots of time and she had to hurry so she unnecessarily acted as though she is very guilty like she has just committed a murder and she was apologizing to the dead body by wiping his blood. At last the cream-covered –man spoke,” It is alright, go you have to see the wedding preparations.”She was surprised to hear it from a stranger. She thought was it that she was so famous???....that everyone knew her and her work, even a stranger whose dress she accidentally spoiled. Thinking that, she started smiling. He broke her stream of “SELF- HAPPY” thoughts and said,” Don’t think that you are so famous?” She was surprised how he could see through her thoughts. “If you properly wipe out the cream off my face you would see. It is me!!!....Kevin!!!...you dumbo” he said,” Errr.....I didn’t mean that ma’am”......... (contd)

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