Letter i recently retrieved from MS WORD. It never found a way to the one it is addressed to. You don't need to look higher up to choose the inspirational people, they are present at your eye level. Dedicated to one such lesser known soul, who subconsciously had an enormous impact in my life! There would be errors, punctuation marks missing here and there, ignore them please for i scribbled it down when i was brimming with emotions. I don't wish to make any slightest of change here!

Letter 2

To Chitraxee Didi

now first of all there are few confessions I ve to make
I read ur personal diary when I was there in Bombay, u know the girly stuff how much pleasure it gives to read through others life, whats going on there, when ours is already complicated.
Though, of course it had a lock, I opened it, u know these toys diary such a show-piece lock they have!
So another confession, I read your poems. Now this is interesting. My nani, masi all were upto you, how well you write, how Rani ji admire you for the stuff you write,so I was tempted to read your work .Man, I was enchanted. And I felt I stand no-where, There is so much creativity around and I don’t stand anywhere in the world. So there and then I prepared myself to write a poem, or for that sake a rhyming poem. Haha I still remember it, Something like how empty is my tummy, please give me something mummy, the food u make is yummy :D Don’t give me those looks, even I took the inspiration from ur diary. But the REAL EYE OPENER, for me was the one where you tried to depict the serene atmosphere of Naaya Bagh and I got the answer why Raani Ji admires you. You really wrote it from the heart, it touched a chord somewhere. It inspired me to WRITE, try on WRITING POEMS and didi I don’t regret it. Such a b’ful way to express your emotions, you don’t need to care about the grammatical fundes of English, u just need to depict on the emotions and more the strong they will be, more the tedhi would be the poem. So you were the pioneer there to make me start something which would turn out to be the bliss for me. I love you, literally!

And third the photographs,A.W.E.S.O.M.E and the captions S.U.P.E.R. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. No really I don’t understand we think on similar lines, u aren’t leo? Don’t tell me? The peace it radiates, u cud get that through the pictures. I love you again. I am short of words didi, and upload more SOON, ASAP!! Ok, I saw the last time they were uploaded was a year ago. I don’t know why people won’t get it, but I hope u continue with it. Again amazing work di. I want to be there present physically , tell you how wonderful the work is, hug you, for writing such amazing poetry and moreover the importance grows when your work can inspire others, and no doubt in my case urs has.
I don’t know how to end this letter. Just carry on with your work and UPLOAD THE PICS SOOOOOOON!!

Love you

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