She fell in love with him.It was at first sight.
They studied together.He stood first,she a close second.But they both were shy.Couldn't express their feelings verbally.

He would write his love on small notes,drop them on purpose on her way.She picked them up,read and crumpled them,holding them close to her heart.

She didn't have the guts to tell her parents,she loved him.One day his mom brought the proposal to her family,but they rejected it outright.
She had been already engaged to another man.Heartbroken,she submitted herself to destiny.

Her mom,a domineering type, could be nasty if she wanted.
So she kept the secret to herself.

The D-day arrived.Her hubby lived in another state.She disclosed her secret in a few days time.
He didn't take it well.All his love for her evaporated.He began ill treating her,that day onwards.

She discovered he loved other women too.How she missed her sweetheart!
She wished he was there by her side,sharing her sorrow,her pain.

One day a letter arrived.She opened it.The familiar handwriting! Her heart leaped within her.
He said he still loved her.And sorely missed her.
She replied to it,tears welling up in her eyes.

They kept corresponding for a while.Her hubby passed taunts at her, seeing her smile.
The letters stopped coming.She was grief stricken.She hoped and hoped for some news of him.

Years passed.Her kids grown up,found their own career.
She could never forget him.He was always on her mind.
One day the thoughts were so overwhelming,she couldn't control herself.

She picked up the phone and dialed the number.Her heart raced with excitement.A female voice at the other end answered.His sister.

They knew each other,so they kept chatting of times gone,when suddenly she asked her where he was.
'Oh,he',she replied,'he's happily married with grown up kids,living abroad.

On pressing her for more details,she discovered that he married a girl who gave him a huge dowry,so that he could get his sisters married too.The conversation ended.

Her heart sank.
How greedy of him! Marrying a girl for money.Where was the love he professed to her?

Suddenly,she felt at peace.He wasn't controlling her anymore.
All these years she had been a slave to his thoughts,whereas he didn't care a hoot for her feelings.

She was deceived.
But now her heart felt light again.
She could love her hubby again,with renewed zest.
The truth about her lover had set her free.

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