I'm in a kind of Seclusion
Which when becomes a Botheration
On Wb I do some Exploration
Oh no! A post so senseless! Obfuscation
I comment fiercely...result? my Tribulation
'Is she within bounds?' the irritated Question
Only strengthens my Determination
So with cool Calculation
I imagine my Composition
Then go for word Selection
It's time for it's Declaration
Polls come..my Celebration
and Affirmation
of my Inclination
and Fascination
for purity's Germination..
Back here..another Examination
I see a kind of Habituation
of morality's Degradation
Purity's Deprivation
Readers in Suffocation
Only solution?
From moral filth total separation!

P.S..(borrowed these -tion words from someone's post..sorry I used up ALL)

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