She walks the extra mile even when it seems unnecessary
Bears someone's burdens..shares in their sorrow
Weeps with others' in their grief..laughs off her own

She strengthens her arms with continual hard work
Not in the cool confines of the gym
She rises early in the morning
The bread of idleness she doesn't eat

She is clothed in purple
Her family is too
She never fears rain or snow
Storm or darkness
She's mentally prepared for all

Her husband is a man of renown
Her kids make her proud
She's a successful businesswoman
Skilful and wise in all her dealings

Worldly wise yet godly
Smart but humble
Intelligent still balanced
Free yet submissive

Her husband calls her blessed
Her kids boast of her

Beauty is vain
Charm is deceptive
But here's a woman who fears the Lord
A strong woman
She shall be praised
Yes she shall be praised.

(Inspired by proverbs 31..Bible)

Tags: Inspiration

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