Someone cried one morning. I ran to the window. No one there.
It went again. The scream rising to a crescendo.
I wondered why none dared investigate the source of the noise. To my consternation.

Some days passed. I heard it again. A male voice. This time loud and thick. Seemed to originate from the opposite building.
Some body in real pain. Terribly concerned, I scanned every flat opposite me.
None visible.

Then one day he screamed. There he was. In the balcony of the second last floor opposite to us.
A fine young man. Looked absolutely normal.
Maybe around 25-30 years old.
I kept watching. I was now sure the sound originated from him.

As I watched, he began swaying his body to and fro, holding the railing for support. Visible repetitive hand movements.
I realized. He was autistic. He didn't even know what he was doing.

The baby in the nearby flat jumped and laughed in glee. It thought he was playfully beckoning him. It's older sister, about a year older, giggled too.

Am curious to know more about this guy. Was he born that way? Is he married? Am sure he isn't.
Does he do this when he's all alone at home? When someone leaves for some work outside. Because he cannot bear their separation?
So many thoughts running through my mind.

Haven't heard from him for quite some time now.
Hope he's okay.
And does get well someday.

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