This isnt a love story.Actually I don't know what this is.But,I just felt like sharing it with you people.

"Next we have on the stage,the VOICE OF WAVES,PILANI " announced the host of our branch cultural event.I was a little excited because it felt like I was being an audience to some really good singer.I heard a voice,sweet touching and mesmerising.I try to look at him through hundreds of heads blocking my way.After some serious efforts,I could get a glance of him.A short ,not so attractive guy with a very attractive guitar and a voice that can leave anyones mouth gaping.This was the first time I saw him.I had no curiosity to talk to him.I wasn't even a huge fan of this guy,like all other friends of mine.
The performance came to an end,and I waited for my friends outside the auditorium.We had those usual photo sessions with teachers and later decided to visit the canteen as we were all hungry.There we stood with teachers,seniors and other friends.It was really interactive time and bonding between seniors and us seemed to strengthen.In no time,it started raining and everyone rushed into the recreation centre.I decided to get drenched in the rain as it was the first time of the season.I never knew the so called senior was noticing me.I was busy having my time.
Few days later there was a group formed on whatsapp named "seniors and juniors".I wasn't very active on the group and one day I suddenly got a message and I was shocked to see,it was from this singer I was talking about.He enquired if I was alright as my status revealed I wasn't fine.I felt good sharing my problems with him though he had no solutions.He called me up,we spoke for four hours that day and it was enough to know each other.Aims,lifestyle,family,studies and friends was all that we spoke .
The journey started here.He called me up each day.We cared for each other beyond limits,he kept telling me how cute I looked,made sure I took my medicines on time.I woke up with his voice,whole day we would keep touch and again in the night talked for hours and I slept with all the romantic songs he sang for me.A little later he got busy with his singing,having no time to study as well.So I decided to write his journals leaving my work.He was grateful to me and he smiled in relief.This smile is all I wanted to see.weeks passed,he often came to hug me tight,see me smiling.It really became difficult to spend a day without talking.
In next few days he expressed his desire to have a girlfriend like me and asked if I would tell a yes when he proposed.I just told I dint know what I would say.Our conversation now drifted to romantic talks.He flirted and I blushed.We shared every thought with each other.
One month passed this way and one day he suddenly called me up,and told that he was feeling bad because some girl rejected his proposal and he loved her.It somehow hurt.I dont know the reason but my eyes welled and I cried the whole night.I decided to be his strength and yet nothing was the same.

Another week passed and he stopped talking to me.May be he had lost interest.Now it's all over.I hold myself back from calling him up.I miss those late night talks,the way he used to hug me tight.The way his cheeks touched mine.The way he cared.Its all over.Nothing bothers him much.

No I don't want you to sympathize me.I am just to strong too handle it myself.Just that I miss every small detail of our relation.Because some people have the ability to make you feel what none could or may be none can.Just a break I will over it :)

Thanks for reading :)

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