At last! Now I know why a baby is called shishu!
doing shishi and shushu..
it's at it all day..
for almost all of it's infanthood.
Thank heavens it finally decides to grow up!

My baby gave me a tough time too.
I'd to change nappies by the dozen.
Boys are more notorious, I think!

Someone suggested I toilet train him right early.
So the moment the brat woke up
I took him to the bathroom..
and began saying..ssssssssssssssss....
so that he would know he must start his shushu

The fella simply won't.
He looked up at me and giggled.
Again I went ssssssssssssssssss...
He looked at me, his eyes smiling.
He thought it was a game.

By now, exasperated and ready to give up
I felt like going to the loo myself!
the trickle began..
slowly at first, then rushing out like a dam burst!
So relieved was I, I can't tell you!

I kept at it each day
now he understood it was more than a game
before my mouth formed the word..
he'd begin his flow
that's how he became toilet trained

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