Every relation is special and individual in itself. Every love story has its own language, the language that is never spoken yet understood by two souls. In a realation words are not core requirement of communications. Eyes talk and understand the mute language. You call your soulmate with your own given names and even if these personalized names sounds funny to others but for those two persons they are always special. Few particular things become very special and integrated part in a love story, love and romance. For example if your lover likes some particular chocolate or ice-cream and share it often (or sometimes) with each other, slowly that very chocolate becomes a memory for you and whenever you see or hear about it, it brings you memories of your lover. Some particular sentences, places, activities, colors or movies become such special feelings that you can actually relate yourself with those things.

And these beautiful memories include one special thing.. A song. Every love story has a song.. a so very much amazing song that with no delay can flash a face in front of their eyes. They sing this song, hear this song, whisper this song, feel this song, love this song, live this song. This song plays a significant and memorable place in their love story. Often when one misses another one, this song is heared and the more it is heared, the more another person is missed. Yet it gives lots of relief because you connect yourself with that person through this song. And the awesome moment when this song is sung in the own voice. When whole worlds considers that your lover has the most awkward voice in the world, the same voice seems most soothing when this song is sung for you by that person. Both of you listen this song tohether, sing together, dance arms-in-arms on this song and sleep listening this song. Each lyric and wording of this song connects you with your own love story and memories as if it was written exclusively for both of them. While singing, one forgets a line, the another one adds it. When one is sad another one plays this song to bring smile on the most-loved-one face.

All I want to say thourgh this post is friends, create memories as much as you can, love and live together and give so many special feelings that even when you are not physically with your lover, both of you still feel presence of each other.

P.S. What is your special song?

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