I get terrified with those slimy creatures.

They slither, they crawl, up my smooth wall.
Sometimes they just fall..THUD...one fell inches away from my plate I ate from.
I scamper for cover.
"Oh, please someone help!!!!" I scream helplessly.

Luckily hubby comes to the rescue. Slipper in hand..PHAT...the fellas as good as dead.
WHEW..that was close.

I'm not scared of rats, cockroach or any moth or giant size spider.
Rats, roaches, earthworms I'd dissected in college..even a frog.

They don't scare me much except the wriggly, wriggly earthworm..who's just not my type.
So wormy creepy crawlies in the potted soil...I share a love-hate relationship. I love their work as gardeners but hate their appearance at all.

Coming back to the slimy creature on the wall..some may be small. But create havoc on my kitchen shelf. I move a vessel and suddenly it darts off like lightening, to another safe, hiding place.

My day's spoiled, heart in mouth...I mumble.."God, please let it go away."
Then I call the man who cleans the building's outside..he grins when I say there's the Pal..that's what they call the rascal in Marathi.

He moves aside the vessels..broom in hand..WHAM...kills the dirty thing.
"Mar gaya, Maddum," he exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.
"Thank you," I press a folded note into his palm.
He and the watchmen down, now know of my fears all too well.

Maybe 'twas triggered years back, when this huge, slimy fella fell onto my back, from the bathroom wall. I cried EEEEKS and shoved it with one mighty sweep of hand. He disappeared.

My fears reappear whenever I see him come to visit me again.
Maybe I should have dissected it as well.

So I travel all over the country, from city to city..
still the rascal comes after me..
Summer's soon approaching.
He'll soon come calling.

I hate him.
This slimy fella.

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