* logs into WB...Reads 'Attention Everyone'...goes back and reads 'tat for tit'...tries to pronounce Komisch Königin...gives up, reads that dream wife wala article, prequel of tat for tit...reads 'Horny Guy'...goes back and reads comments on attention every one...reads and roll, sees the sarcastic comments on several posts in general...LOGS OUT...BANGS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL!*


Patient's signs and symptoms: Tachycardia, Blood pressure 150/90, bipolar bordering on psychosis,pupils dilated, sweating profusely, Swollen head due to some accident involving a hard object.

Provisional Diagnosis: Literature-emia/ Poisoning suspected

Management: Loading dose of 200-300 page Jodi Picoult novel, STAT, followed by maintenance dose of Charles Dickens Classics, every 3 hours after LD, with intermittent dosing of Edgar Allen Poe and Alfred Lord Tennyson's poetic collection. STRICTLY WITH HOLD BAD PIECES OF WRITING, SARCASM MIGHT BE LETHAL TO PATIENT.

This is what happened to me after I come back to WB after 3 months. There is a general air of animosity around, the literal quality of posts is on a downward tumble, good posts are hardly getting polled and bad ones are blown off the charts! I think somebody broke WriterBabu, for it is badly defaced! What happened to my superheroes? All my good writers who just wrote for the sake of writing being fun? who polled because we were all bound by a "WRITER'S CODE" to always provide encouragement and healthy criticism to our peers? The comments are more likely personal assaults, I am not judging anyone, nor do I know the stories of what went down in last 3 months but then you hardly find constructive critique around here,anymore. Where is the love of better literature in all this? Hell, where is the lit to start with? Somebody posted adult content, I am reserving judgment on whether it should be allowed here or not, but at least it should be 'written' good! For the love of all that's holy, WRITE WHATEVER PLEASES YOU but atleast try to improve!If you want to write to relieve your raging Testosterone, write with class!The whole forum is slowing down, only because we have stopped using our imaginations at all, or to say we stopped pushing ourselves to write better. I am no exception, I haven't written in mad long and when I logged in for inspiration from you guys, there was a world of colossal disappointment..

Where is Mallu, the Mother Eagle? Or Rheya, the fiery young temptress? There is no sign of Ieshan, The lone guardian, or Percy, the trickster? Why is Mukhtar, the boy wonder, writing on a single track? Why are there no young inductees? where the heck are those anonymous writers who write to make the world a little more bearable? who is going to save the real literature in distress here?


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