Dude,I was having this really high level philosophy wali chat with my, lets say,close friend(Gf is too taboo, from comments on my previous article,"tharki", it took some pills to digest,ha!)kidding,kidding,you guys rock,.

We were talking about "Art of giving".How many times it had happened that you helped a guy,and he totally stabbed you in the back,yeah "E-Tu-brute" type.That made you feel so angry that you want to rise from your grave and take a permanent residence at his house,so that people call his house "Bhoot Bangla" ehahaha,that's so wicked.

When you were helping him,were you thinking,what will I get by helping this fellow,if you were,he has every right to screw you.But,but,but..if you were helping the poor fellow,because it feels sooooo gooood to help anyone in need,it was that pleasure of helping some one that you were really after,you never gave a shit about the man himself.Either way, you are a self centered,gold digging bitch.

So next time you say that the world is so selfish,which is like the slogan of 21st century,take a good look at yourself.The right sentence would be "The world is selfish,and so am I",it puts it in a prospective,and yeah hurts less.

Keep helping others not because they will die without your help,but because there is no other joy greater than to help someone in need,and because you are a bitch who cares only for your joy.

Adios Amigos,
take good care of one another..

P.S-This is technically a 17 year old,parso badae hai mera,I will turn 18..yuppie..let the bar open......Feel free to comment
any shit,not because I need it,because it will make YOU feel good,as it did to me...

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