It was a bright November morning. Akshay was sitting on a bench on the beach. He was keenly watching a couple bathing in the sea.

"I have seen you many times. Do you come here everyday?"

Akshay turned in the direction of the voice and saw a boy of eleven with an ice cream in his hand sitting near him.

"Yes I do"


"And why should I tell that to a kid?"

"Because you have nothing better to do right now."

"Trying to be too smart, aren't you little guy?"

"I am smart."

"And who told you that?"

"My mommy"

"Every mother thinks her child is smart."

"Not every mother gives her son a step dad."

"You are not happy with him?"

"I am happy. He brought me this icecream."

"You interest me very much little guy. I came here for revenge."

"Revenge from whom?"

"My ex wife."

"Why? She stole your chocolate?"

Akshay laughed.

"No, she stole my heart."

"What would you do to take it back?"

"Kill her maybe"

"Don't you fear jail?"

"Everything has a price."

The couple was now walking towards them.

"I would never kill anyone or else mommy will get angry."

"Why do you still love your mother even after she married another men?"

"Because my real dad don't want me. He pushed her out of the house when I was in her stomach."

Couple now stood in front of them. The boy got up and held the lady's hand.

"Shall we go home now?" she asked kissing the boy's forehead.

"Yes mommy but before that I want you to meet someone. This uncle looked after me when you and daddy were swimming in the sea."

"Thankyou very much", the lady said with a smile and the happy family left.

Akshay sat there watching his ex wife, his son and his wife's new lover walk away till they vanished out of his sight. He checked his watch then got up and started walking towards the sea with a smile on his face. In the distant, traffic had now stopped and unknown voices were screaming for help. There was a explosion in a car which took lives of three.

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