Just kept the paper down.....and I am really fed up of reading the rape cases....now it has become common just as some small robbery...but we can understand that those who do these things are not mentally fit.
But what really got my attention is the recent accusations on navy regarding wife-swapping.Just some days ago a full article had occupied the pages of Mumbai Mirror narrating the story of the an officer's wife and how she felt it was wrong and now one more case has just turned up.
Is this we stand for???....These are our real soldiers???....Are these the men who protect us from external harm but are the ones who cause the internal harm??.....Do you want to be protected by such soldiers??....Will I ever be proud of them???....
We used to say that if you want to be a true gentleman look at our soldiers.The men who protect also know how to present themselves. Look at their ethics, their manners and how they treat the ladies with such respect.But somehow they are failing in our eyes by doing these things.
I agree that all will not be like some who do these things but it is said that one can spoil many.And secondly it spoils the name as a whole. It is my earnest request to the soldiers to whom we have trusted the responsibility of our protection, security and integrity to stop all the happenings which spoils not just their but also our country's name.They have vowed to serve our country and I hope they serve her in every way because they should remember that disrespecting one woman means they are disrespecting the country as well.
I do not want them to hide this matter instead I request them to take an initiative to solve it and return back to its own prestige because I respect our country's soldiers and I do not wish to see their names go down in soil. I want every citizen to respect them and look up to them......as real men, real soldiers!!!

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