.....Just read the post....why you should not date me??...and I realized that many guys around have many qualities written so by the Anonymous author.....that doesn't me girls should not date them...In my life I never really had any boys as friends and there are many things to blame for it......firstly I studied in a girls school.....secondly I live in a bungalow...so no society friends...thirdly never went to tuition till 9th...so really no contacts...
And when I went to classes in 10th...Gosh,I was so focused never really concentrated on the guys there ...but still there is a thing called 'general observation'....and according to it...there were five boys in class...two were least interesting...one was rude and selfish so chuck him off..one thought he looks like hero but actually turned out to be a zero...and one was a goody two shoes..nice person..but we never really talked as we were busy competing with each other to come first in class....so this leaves me with zero experience...
But still I have brothers and cousins and many more to observe...yeah yeah now i know you'll say that brothers never really show their true colors to young sisters or are too polite with them or just simply rude....but I am no less...I got scanning eyes...
Lets get started with the first man in my life - my father...what to say about him???...he is short-tempered,very particular about everything in his life and sometimes it gets my nerves...but yeah he is good looking but was completely naive about his appearance in his young days so he never really understood why girls used to flock around him....my brothers...hell!!...one is sweet and elder to me and whenever I pop the question of GIRLFRIENDS..and he is like they are expensive...got to spend too much on them...and we laugh it off...
Another one..he is rude and a introvert but his looks are good enough ...his choice of clothes and perfumes completely stands out...reserved personality...but when comes me .. he is teasing and a protective brother.....but when I talk about the GIRLFRIENDS topic..his stare is enough to make walk out of the room...that is not surprising because recently he gifted a pendant to his 'JUST FRIENDS' type friend on the occasion of...RAKSHA BANDHAN...Ahh.. my brothers..want to become everyone else's also...
And two cousins....one is a military officer's son and he is not like a brother but like some uncle who always guides me...and every time I am around him, I need to keep a check on my tongue...just can't speak anything to him....totally strict person....another bro...he just studies..and then go around with his friends....but has no time for his family...but I still doubt he has a girlfriend.....So you see..everyone is different..sometimes you like someone's smile...or another one's gentleness....the real guys are human and flawed.....this to wake up the girls who still dream like a movie protagonist to find her perfect man...
Since young age...the image formed in my eyes was like...perfect men.....but when my eyes opened...when things became clearer..I understood all are not perfect and they should not be...twilights and mills and boons are just for pleasing the mind but the reality is out here where you have to find your guy..with flaws..and perfections!!.....so to Anonymous author of the post 'why you should not date me'...I say you should say "WHY YOU SHOULD DATE ME'.....
The post is just my thinking and I bet my readers will have many different outlooks....

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