I watched OMG yesterday. It was nice. With a message. Especially the part which says God doesn't dwell in temples etc but is everywhere. He wants to be our friend.
Hats off to the lead actor.
Fine performance.

My mind raced to that particular day in Delhi. Like any other day. Same routine. Life had become dreary.
Watched the cricket match on TV all day. We eventually lost.
My day wasted.
Someone had invited me for a get together at their home that evening. I decided to go, just to get over my boredom.

Their house was packed with folk of all ages. The hosts worked for the airlines, were good friends of ours. There was a knock on the door. A middle aged man entered the room. He smiled at everyone. He probably knew the hosts too.

After a while he began to speak. He was at the airport an hour ago waiting to catch his flight to Fiji Islands. He belonged there. Suddenly he heard a voice urging him to come here. The voice grew urgent. So he cancelled his flight and landed at my friend's residence.

As he spoke , he noticed me. He beckoned me to rise up. I hesitated. For I was extremely shy. Everyone knew this. I slowly rose and stood opposite him.
Gosh, now what? I thought to myself.
I hated attention.

He continued speaking. 'God has a purpose for your life', he said.
'But you got to seek Him, spend time with Him to get to know this.'

He then proceeded to touch my forehead. Bang, down I went. Burst into tears. I never had done that. In public.
It was the power of God. It was on his person and as he touched, I felt it too. It was like all this negativity and despair had been washed away in a moment.

I felt better. So light,refreshed and happy.
God had a purpose for my life. Life could be meaningful again.
I rose up, a new person. He continued to speak to others around me. The atmosphere was charged. With His presence.
We all felt vibrant, energetic again.

It was the turning point in my life. Everything started looking up for me from that point on. Of course I had my bad days, but the memory of that sweet touch refreshed me again.

Never will I ever doubt His presence. He's everywhere and when I need him desperately, He won't think twice about sending a man my way, whether it means plans changed or a flight cancelled.

He's real.
He speaks.
Only if we tune our ears.
And are desperate for Him.

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