Well,one said to me-"NO-ONE IS PERFECT".And as he said this, a thought triggered in my mind-"SOMEONE IS PERFECT".A many time i do not realise that the "PERFECT" one is always there with me through thick and thin.Sometimes amid the flamboyances and jeopardies i tend to overlook the soothing warmth and comfort which you always try to bestow upon me.In fine,the word "PERFECT" is synonymous for "MOTHER".

Being a philomath of love and affection,you never left me in the lurch at any point of time.You deserve something much more than what i give.There was never any dearth of love,affection and trust from you.Indeed these three attributes were ubiquitous in the sands of time.

But, sometimes i tell you a lie.I tend to portray a picture of me in guise of being good.That's how it goes.Because i cannot be as perfect as you.In a nutshell,I AM SORRY,I CAN'T BE PERFECT.Still, you never stop showering love for me at any minute of the hour.And i may sometime take your affection for granted.But it does not imply that i do not love you.It's just that you deserve somehting better from me in return of your care.

I know i can never say these words to you.History says-" you cannot express exquisitely about your love to the loved ones". Same is the case with me.I know these few thoughts of mine will never reach you in black and white.You may take me to be a Grown-up lad now.But truth has a different fact stored in my heart.It longs for the care-free childhood days.Infact i would not reckon those days as -"WALK DOWN THE MEMORY LANE". Because i am always your Kid.LOVE you MUM.Miss you/

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