Proposing on the first date is something that amateurs do. But anyways I was even below an amateur, someone who had had a lot of crushes, never said anything about it. And then you came. ;)

Trust me, it wasn't a split second decision, It possibly took me a whole night to decide over how to propose. :p

And what i decided was the most cliche thing I ever did. A single red rose waalah proposal. I proposed in a metro station so that is probably a whole another cliche. Then again, life is a cliche.

So there you were, standing in front of me. By the way, I still wasn't sure about proposing. The rose lay in my bag waiting for fresh air, I pulled the flap of my bag even lower as if hiding my love. And then we smiled at each other, shook our hands.

As cheesy as it sounds, that handshake is what made my mind up and gave me the guts to take that rose out. But before that, I asked you, "Tu bol raha ki mai bolu?" I meant that who was going to propose. :p
You said, "Go ahead." What you meant was that I should talk first maybe.
It was way embarrassing that you had no such plans. -_-

Anyways the rose was out and you had seen it, you looked shocked. I didn't kneel or anything, I just gave you the rose saying those three words that were going to be repeated a lot of times that day.

The story doesn't end here.

We hugged, you took the rose, didnt say anything. I was quite disappointed but I picked up the shards of my heart and proceeded on the date. The date went quite well, I was feeling comfortable with you and finally managed to say that I was kind of upset hpw you didnt even reply. And then you asked, "You proposed?"

You should've seen my face, well you did see it. I slapped you, I still can't believe. But seriously, a girl who is proposing for the first time and is not even heard. What? what?

Then you apologised and said those three words back. Achha kiya, verna bahut pitata!

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