In the midst of darkness i see a familiar face
Familliar ,Unfamiliar to her all the same
I try to spread my wings,
Wings dilapidate hellishly slow,
when The same uninterested look she blows
Tied to the dungeon of my thoughts
Wrangling with hefty chains
Dragging the chains of my own life's doing
Can't take a step ahead
Weary and crucified
even taking a deep breath hurts
thinking of how it should be lived,
among crusaders who are busy in campaigning with their own lives,
Cant stand this anonymity!!!!
Who doesnt want to be the cliff??
Has Ambition taken its toll...
For freedom am i pining now?
Or mourning for what a waste i was in the past or will be in the future!!!
Lost in a maze of wandering thoughts
i sit unmoving
a fitful flickering fire arousing within me
a strange certain light,
only if i am set free,my mind will cease to think
and The shadow of my thoughts will rapidly shrink!!!!

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