It wasnt always like this... when I was young I was a sweet obedient girl.
Lived with my granma, my aunt, and my parents... Fair enough to say, I wasnt really wanted.
My parents were young and stupid, they ended up making a mistake. Me. Of course, I didn't know this back in the day, so I was a happy child. My grandmother was my angel. She used to take care me all the time, when my aggresive Mother wasnt around and my father... well, I didnt see him much really. Not because he left us, but because of work... Anyhow, my grandmother was my all and I loved her to death.
Yeah, today when I head back to my past, I seem to be happy for a second. Not a real second, but just a fictional second, like the fictional happiness I held at the moment.
It doesn't matter. I am how I am because of my past. I'll just make sure to leave my story down for the next generations. You aren't crazy alone.

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