The grass is greener on the other side. It seems so. I've seen so many cases in these past few years. Extramarital affairs. Marriages broken apart.

This young woman sat in my home. She wanted to learn fluent English. She came dutifully some weeks. Then she went missing. I knew it must be her husband. She told me he was having an affair with a divorcee. They would talk to each other at all odd hours. I asked her once how she proposed to keep her marriage intact. She pointed to her appearance. She said she tried her level best not to look shabby,but dressed in the latest style,latest hair cuts. Just to win him back. But the other woman had woven some kind of magic over him,she said.

It's so tragic. Another marriage gone down the drain. Thanks to this other woman. I wish these women would realize the amount of harm they do to the wife and kids. Love is blind they say. But these women have worn blinkers on purpose just to have their way. Leading men like sheep to the slaughter. I wish the man had never married.

I feel this friend of mine shouldn't give up. She must keep trying and trying. To win him back. With loads of love and patience. Make herself as attractive to him as possible. I know of marriages healed too. When the partner has held on to hope and persisted till the end. It's all about love. Love never dies,they say.

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