I assume he's a guy.
Because I always think only guys do the Masti out here.
Girls are too nice and well behaved.

Let me explain.
Someone anonymously posts 'OK' as comment on my posts.
It makes me laugh.

Now OK could mean my post was just THEEK.
And he wants me to know that in the least possible number of words!

Or he's a funny guy.
He loves pulling my leg.
Sometimes he puts ! after OK to tell me the fast one he pulled on me.

Maybe he really wants me to know I'm NOT that great.
So he attempts to pull me flat face down on the ground.
To humble me.
Like they do in military camps!

Another possibility. He's a very busy man.
He doesn't have much time to pen.
Somehow he takes time to read me.
And then shoots a quick OK in agreement like a bullet from a gun.

Or he probably got angry with my stance on no-HUMMMing.
So he's taking it out on me.
With a big OK.

But I feel all my assumptions are wrong.
I still think he's a good guy.
My well wisher.

Thanks OK.
You made my imagination run wild.
I must tell you.
You're such fun!

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