I was in the ‘darbar’ where the beautiful dancers and entertainers of Mathura where performing and singing ‘ashtakams’ and ‘stotrams’ complimenting me, a celebration specially held for me by the great king of Mathura as I was leaving this holy land the day after. It was a place where ‘maa Dewki’ gave me birth, a place where I defeated my wicked uncle ‘Kans’ all this love and warmth I received from the people won’t let me go far away from this land. But it was not this land that I was thinking, there was something else going in my mind. The beautiful ‘nartakis’ their fair complexion, their long black hairs, their perfect body curves reminded me of someone. Father Vasudev saw my expressionless face, “come-on my son, I don’t think that entertainers of Mathura are so boring” he said, and I smiled ignorant of his words.
The night turned darker and the celebration ended. I went to my room ordering my Dwarpaal that I don’t want to be disturbed; he was a good friend of mine and loved to follow my every order. But this was the first time he was asked to do that, I was always available for my visitors, anyone including servants and cleaners were allowed to enter my room at any point of time. He knew there was something with me, and the same thing went with both my mothers, how could one hide things from their mother, they know every strand of their son’s hair. I was worried as both of them had seen me eating not as much of when the bhog was served.
That night, I, was their topic of discussion, for both my mothers it was not an easy night, their son was going the next day.
“Do u know what’s bothering him?” maa Dewki asked excitedly to maata Yashoda.
“Your son is a yugpurush my dear, don’t you remember?” My father Nand Interrupted.
“Yes! Your son is full of mysterious mysteries. He is an incarnation of Lord himself. Who can understand Krishna? After all.” Said my beloved father Vasudev.
“No! We are his mothers we must go, I guess I know what’s the bothering of our son, my dear Dewki” Answered maata Yashoda.
“Then let’s talk to him” maiya Dewki jumped from her seating, “let’s take the ‘makhan’ that u brought from Gokul, I know how much he likes having it. He haven't had the bhog served.”
And there was a knock on the door "oh! Welcome both my mothers! The door is open” I said as they knocked on the kiwad of the door.
“How u know its us?” asked maiya yashoda.
“Only my mothers can knock so soft and easy. Everyone else bangs it like a drum hahaha” I said and we laughed, but I couldn’t resist my eyes from looking at the ‘makhan’ my mothers brought for me, I snatched the bowl in absolute swift and started enjoying the test, and that amazing makhan churned by my beloved mother Yashoda made me forget the thoughts of my mind, “I could test my Gokul in it,maaiya” I continued “ the white cows, the trees, ah! The beautiful Gopies, their complaints about me, and the games I played, oh! My friends, my roti, my favorite ‘kaansa (brass) thali’ o!have u kept it safe my mother? I would like to have that thaali, my Gunja necklace, my peacock feather bandana, the mango tree, oh! And my house the lovely small house of mine, oooo!! The lovely lovely Madhuban.” There was a smile on my face, but again I got reminded of my thoughts I was engrossed in before that ‘makhan’. I left the bowl after having two scoops of that lovely treat. Both my mothers sat on the chaarpaii and I made myself comfortable at their foots on the floor, resting my right elbow on maa Dewki’s lap, and my left arm around maa Yashoda’s waist.
“Look at my son Yashoda.” Maa Dewki smiled “there are vessels forged out of gold here and he is concerned about his ‘kaansa plate’ hehe”
“Oh! I wish u were there mother, it was so much fun over there in my Gokul.” I looked in maa Dewki’s eyes.
“NO! thank God u were not there Dewki.” Maa Yashoda said playfully.
“Why?” asked maiya Dewki.
“You must have been tired listening to the number of complaints that Gopies did.” Maa Yashoda replied in a bit irritation.
“they were jealous of me maa.” I tried to make her understand.
“Look at this fool.” Maa Yashoda twisted my ear “you are still lying to me; you are such a shameless kid. The charm of Yashoda and Dewki’s son has spread all around the world. The gopies, they loved u.”
But I was not reacting, the thought of something made me forget where I was.
“Where is my son lost?” maa Dewki asked.
“I know this look, I remember when u returned from Gurukul,” maa Yashoda recalled “I know how much u missed Sudama. And it’s again the same look. I know its Radha in whose thoughts you are lost in.”
“Oh! U know me so well my mothere.” I was smiling. “Yes! It is Radhaji who is still in my heart. I was not even able to say a warm goodbye while leaving Gokul. I wish I could take a last look at her, maiya. There is so much time we spent together, oh! My dear Radha and her unconditional love for me. Radha and Sudama are very close to me maiya, I’m not so worried for Sudama as I’ll come across him in near future, because I have an unfinished business with that stupid fellow.”
“Radha has her own duties my son, she has a husband and a family to look after,” maa yshoda made me understand “ after all u only say that everything in this earth has a beginning and an end right?” maa Dewki reminded me.
“Yes my loved mother, everything born on this earth has a beginning and an end, but what about loves my dear? Everything perishes but love never ends. No one could take Radha and Sudama out of my heart, Maiya.” I said, and both my mothers eyes were filled with tears.

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