"Savi, could you just leave me alone.. for a minute," he screamed into her ears.

She had called him at work, to tell him something important. He cut her short with his usual brusqueness. He seemed to be in a tearing hurry all the time. Work...work and some more work. That's all he ever did.

She wiped off her tears now streaming through her large, brown eyes. And tried to concentrate on her PC. She was at work too. But her mind wandered. She quickly rose from her seat, put in her application for a half day off and rushed home in her car.

She couldn't stop herself from howling in the privacy of her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. 'Gosh,is that me?' she wondered.
Large bags under her eyes, hollow cheeks, disheveled hair. What was happening to her?

Her mind went back to the phone call. His mobile was ringing. He was having a bath. She picked it up. Alisha calling,she noticed.
He came out in a jiffy, picked it up and running out of the room, was busy with it for the next one hour.

Her curiosity awakened, she did a small research on Alisha. She happened to be his colleague at work. Smart and gorgeous looking, Savi looked a pale comparison to her.

No wonder he's getting no time to be at home, this Chudail has already hooked on to him, she rued sadly.
Her gaze went back to herself once again as she continued her stance before the bathroom mirror.

She must do something about it, she decided, looking at her plump figure. She must take matters into her hands before he walked away completely out of her life.

She enrolled in an aerobic class. Watched what she ate, exercised regularly, thought peaceful thoughts and found herself change. Gradually. A few months passed. She kept waiting patiently. Never spoke a harsh word. She watched. She prayed.

The bell rang. It was 1 AM in the morning. She opened the door. He rushed in without a smile. He looked haggard. Must have fought with the woman, she wondered. She had been listening to their phone conversations and had realized Alisha wanted him to move in with her. He wasn't ready to do that. She knew she still had a chance.

She drew him gently into the bedroom. Locked the door behind him. He looked at her startled. It was months since they were together, in that manner, he realized. She looked stunning. Her hair grown longer, left loose, her large, kohl lined eyes and the light blue chiffon she wore with pearls to match. Wow. She looked different. The Savi of old. Whom he dated desperately and ultimately won. He was speechless.

"Remember when you first saw me," she playfully ran her fingers through his tired, ruffled hair. "How much in love we were then. Well, today's our anniversary," she spoke in her low, husky voice.

He didn't answer. She hugged him in a tight embrace. So good to have him in her arms again, she thought.

They spent the night rekindling their old passion. Savi looked at the clock. Already near dawn. The mobile rang. And rang.

She watched as he turned over and switched it off, irritatedly.
She smiled.
She knew she'd won a major victory.

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