She scrambles and scrambles, just for some attention.
She'd stoop to do just about anything for that extra adulation.
She speaks loosely, behaves wildly, throwing caution to the winds.

She's found smoking on the roadside, while waiting for her boyfriend. It's cool, you know. She's found guzzling drink after drink, partying dizzily in the evenings. She wants attention badly. So she wears stuff her Mom never dreamt of wearing when she was her age.

She gets her way by hook or crook. A manipulator of sorts, she knows how to get things done her way. She seduces, she flatters with smooth buttery words. Any gullible fella soon falls by the wayside, his pocket emptied.

She climbs the ladder, several at a time, leaving the diligent, hardworker gasping for breath below. She captures, she captivates. For she craves attention.

She's ready to bed almost any Tom, Dick or Harry just for that plum posting. Scruples gone out of the window.

Highly insecure, she makes sure none with a faintest sign of potential could come nigh her. She surrounds herself with stooges who simply adore her, bow down and worship her. The detractor's thrown in the dungeon..with no one getting an inkling of course.

She's totally off course. Her life's diverted from the straight good path. Murder and deceit have filled her heart. Her beauty deceived her.

Many have used her and dumped her in the past. Yet she forgets to forsake the high life and get back to old fashioned simplicity and purity again.
She willingly ignores that her men need a girlfriend like her but prefer to marry someone else. Someone their parents choose for them. Purer and simpler than her.

But she refuses to listen to words of wisdom. She's highly educated.

She's a modern woman.

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