This thirtyish looking woman, a Marwari, happened to be travelling with us on the train years ago. We had been married only six months and we were traveling to Kerala to meet our relatives.

She was traveling alone with two noisy, boisterous kids. Her hubby was a businessman. Somewhat nice looking, fluent in English she instantly made friends with my good looking hubby, as all women did:)
I was more of an introvert.
Hours into our journey, she asked, 'just married?'
Hubby nodded.
'You don't behave like the newly married couples I always see.'
We smiled.
Last thing we would do..exhibitionism.

Evening came. The kids settled down. Mom had some learning book with her. She read out some words to them, ensuring we too participated in a word game with the kids.

We learned she was going to visit her dad in Munnar, who had a tea estate.
Wow. My eyes looked like goggles.
She was a good talker.

The night wore on..and then the next day.
'Chai chai chai'...muttered the tea vendor, as he barged into the compartment. It was four in the afternoon.
We both held our hot chai-filled plastic cups in our hands.
'Hey, can I just walk up to the next meet my friends..they won't accompany me,' she asked us, signaling to the two brats perched on the topmost berth.

We watched as she readied herself. The saree pallu came off.
Oh no. Did my hubby and the fellow in the next seat have to watch this?
I blushed.
They looked away.
Why do women wear saris on train..that too when they have kids with them? I tried to figure out in my mind.

She walked off briskly to the next compartment.
The kids above began a pillow fight.
PLOMP..fell a pillow on me. The scalding chai in my hands spilled all over my dress.
The girl looked at me once and resumed her game.
I was irritated. My chai gone, the Mom also gone.
I wiped myself, thinking why kids are so horrible?

She returned after an hour. On learning what happened, she scolded her kids.
The evening wore on..I simply wanted to get off soon.
We looked out of the window silently.

We'd reach kerala in a few hours time.
Knowing she lived in Calcutta, my ever hospitable hubby invited her home.
She smiled.
I didn't.
She got off soon.

Back home after weeks, we happened to meet her in a nearby Calcutta restaurant one evening. I recognized her at once.
But she didn't see us.
'Should I..shouldn't I,' I debated in my mind.

I don't know why I did this..
it may be the thought of having those boisterous kids in my home..images of things being broken, liquids being splashed all over my home. Future events played like a movie reel in my mind.
I simply held my hubby and walked away.

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