We lived in Delhi then.
One late morning we were returning home, when distractedly hubby bumped into the car ahead of us.
The young man looked behind.. said nothing.
He moved.. We too.
He stopped at the signal.
Hubby drove absently into his bumper.
The man now..slightly irritated, looked behind.
Hubby smiled sheepishly.

He drove on.
Next red light.
The man..now really anxious...got out.
I got tense.
Maybe coming to fight..I thought.
Hubby apologised profusely.
And unbelievingly the fellow..a dignified, good looking man actually let it go.
He calmly slid back behind his wheel and sped off.

'Relax' I nudged hubby dear.
He was always a very careful driver.
Except this morning.
Had something irritated him?
I tried to rack my brain.

Thankfully he didn't bump again.
And the man in front of us had vanished by now.
Maybe in sheer terror.

If I ever am reminded of good folk in Delhi...
I remember this astonishingly patient guy ..
Who took not one but three knockings on his bumper in the space of ten minutes that wintry morning..
And yet took it really good naturedly in his stride.

Maybe it was hubby's mesmerizing smile that probably did him in!

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