He stood there on the terrace of the building.....his tall frame hovering over the hospital.......his overcoat flying in the air......slight tears rolling down his cheeks....his eyes searching for an answer...

I looked at him with my tears welling up my eyes....for the first time he looked helpless......his mind thinking that what were his chances???.....whom should he choose.....his life or the ones he cared for.....

I wanted to help him....to try and solve all his complications.....I just wanted to erase that look from his face.....I wanted to replace it with his smile and that shrewd look......

And just then he................jumped......I screamed and screamed inside my heart....but he couldn't hear me.......I just wanted to stop.....stop him...from going away.......

I just looked at the building.....just looked at it....no emotion stirred inside me.......I realized my face had become wet from crying........my eyes had become swollen.....

I still couldn't come in terms with the fact that he just......................JUMPED....without another thought.....

I saw him lying down with blood all over his face...,,my heart ached with pain......slowly tears again began to roll down my cheeks again.....

I was exhausted.......my eyes were tired of crying......but my mind still prayed that for once this all could go back to where it was....my heart wished that this could just not be real..............................but it knew it was for real.....that he is no more.....that he is DEAD

Just then my mother came from nowhere and asked in a concerned voice,"Beta, why are you crying?"

I snapped out of my trans and looked at her trying to comprehend watch she meant. I replied in a low voice," Mom, Sherlock Holmes jumped off a hospital building."

She narrowed her eyes for a minute and then rolled her eyes and said," Tanvi!! You scared me!!...you can be too much sometimes!!" and she went away.

I made a face and started to wipe my tears as the credits began to roll on the laptop screen..........

Sorry, if you just want to hit me now......but I wanted to write this so I did...after all writing is fun...isn't it???

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