This guy, maybe in his mid thirties or most probably in late thirties, has begun to get on my nerves.

We employed him months ago to look after my ailing dad-in-law. He's a great worker. Professional to the core. No complaints. Does a neat job, is prompt, and well dressed. He wears colourful, checked shirts along with jeans mostly. Dark but good features.

You ask me why I'm annoyed?
Well, to tell you the truth, he's 24/7 on the phone. Even as he massages dad's feeble limbs, his mobile lies close to his ear and he's continually talking to someone. While he washes clothes, it's the same story. Then he goes back to his seat and talks non stop for hours.

Now, initially I thought it must be his wife or some close friend. But talking every second to his wife or friend..highly impossible.
Then I thought it must be some important matter he's so worried about. But no.I tried to eavesdrop on his conversation at times..he would go hush..and whisper into the phone. I understand Marathi well, it wasn't difficult to make out it wasn't his wife..but another female!

Now which female wants to talk 24/7 with him, a friend wouldn't do it, so most probably it has to be his girl friend! Either she's working somewhere and is using her office phone indiscriminately..or else she's a rich woman with loads of money to call him at all times of the day. Some days he 'd go off early on some pretext or the other.

After observing this for months, dad got irritated too. I finally put my foot down and asked him to stay off the phone at least while working.
'Main hamesha thodi karta hoon, emergency calls aate hai tab hi karta hoo.'
Emergency? Hello, is he some doctor on call or what? I didn't say that aloud.
He looked irritated.

I wonder if his wife knows his antics. A dad of two growing kids, with a sick wife to boot..
Is it some affair that started years ago?
Is that woman single/married?
Questions form in our minds seeing his unrepentant behaviour.

'Let's inform his wife,' Mom-in-law suggested.
'No. We can't interfere in his personal life. He does his job well. So we really can't complain to the bureau either,' I replied.

I dislike entering the room. And watching him whispering sweet nothings to her makes me want to give him one tight slap. But I won't do that.

I'm just praying he comes back to his senses and flees from this crazy, home wrecker of a woman..
before it gets too late!

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