I got back from class today feeling satisfied but weird.
I mean the class was fun..hours simply flew by..we all enjoy increasing rapport with one another.
But something bothered me.

The conversation with a 30 year old northie gal who normally sits behind me in our German class.
Usually quite reticent, she opened up to me this morning.
"How do you cope alone in Mumbai?" I queried.
"We manage."
"Yeah. I and he."
"You mean your German boyfriend...he..he lives with you?" I was shocked.
"Yes" she replied nonchalantly.

I stared at this beautiful, dusky, slim young woman in front of me.
"But how did your parents take it?" I asked, knowing how conservative they could be.
"Oh. I broke the news to them well after we both moved in."
I took a deep breath.
"How's he?"
"Oh. Just fabulous." She went on to describe how her relatives fell in love with this mild mannered, helpful, good natured guy. He eats any Indian food she makes for him and even took her to Germany to meet his parents.

"But..suppose he suddenly leaves you one day...then..?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, that could happen after marriage as well," she threw the ball back into my court.
"Yeah..true..but still..living together last one year..
..did you both fight ever?"(swiftly changing gears, so as not to offend her)
"Till date, no. Touch wood."
I shook my head.
"Is he spiritual?" I asked( her answer already forming in my mind).
"No. We both aren't."
That explains..I thought to myself.
I never advocate living-in before marriage.
And here I am talking to someone who's coolly living it out.

Well, most Germans normally have live-in relationships..some in fact go on living it for life.
I was speechless.
She seemed to be in love.
They plan to get married in January.
Just hoping...the guy remains true to his word..
Praying they finally get married soon.

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