I thought I should share this beautiful story with you all. It is about a lady and a small street boy:

It was late in the night when I woke up from my bed. I looked out from a window and saw the
street in front of my house. There was that kid again. He was standing like a small creature,
freezing like an ice, and sometimes, walking back and forth like someone who was in a confusing
mind. Unlike the other nights, I went out of my house and got in closer to where the kid was
standing. When I was quite close to him in distance, I saw that the boy had a cold face. His body
was not so big but I could see the way he looked at me. That eyes! I knew that eyes!
“Hi, kid. What are you doing around here? It’s late at night,” I said. He didn’t say anything. What
he did was he just kept walking back and forth without saying anything.
“I saw you every night in front of my house since last week. Well, if you have nothing to eat or
something, you can come to my house,” I offered him food for I could see how his body was
trembling by the snow. And the way his hands tounched his stomach showed how hungry he
was. The weather outside was very bad. I even felt that my body was going to be trembling too,
so, I got back to my house. When I wanted to open the door of my house, that kid touched my
coat. He said something that I was barely able to hear. But, I let him in.
In that house, I stayed alone. I was still a young person them if not very young. Now, there
was a kid in my house. At that time, I felt that the night was going to be longer than I expected,
but, in fact, it wasn’t. I gave him a glass of hot chocolate and a French bread that I made by my
own hands. I looked at that kid while he was eating his foods. He was so hungry.
Usually, if the time was at 2 o’clock, I would probably be sleeping in that full-of-rose bed. My
husband was still there. Sleeping. This night, I felt little bit different. It was because of the kid.
Days and days passed. But, my husband never knew that the kid and I were always laughing in
the kitchen, even until 3 or 4 in the morning. We ate foods and sometimes, I told him a story of
the fairy tales. Once my husband was awake and he said, “Laura, I hear you talk with someone.
Who is that ?” I never care for what my husband said. He kept saying that he couldn’t see the kid.
And I kept saying that the kid was there with me. I though that the kid was afraid of seeing my
In one night, he never showed up again. That kid was like missing or going somewhere. I
didn’t know. That happened since my pregnancy. I always missed that kid. He had come to my
house and had dinner with me together almost for a month. Again, for this one, my husband didn’t
know that. Until I had to bear a baby, I was totally amazed for what I could see in the face of my
baby. He was a miracle.
My baby grew up as a boy. His face was exactly the same as the face of the boy who had
come to my house in that wonderful night. He said, “Thank you, mom.” He always said that three
words. Everytime he wanted to sleep, he said that words again. I asked him for why he said that
words again and again every night before he went to the bed. My boy said, “You were always
there when I needed you.” There was only a guessing in my mind and I don’t know why he said
I felt happy for what my boy said. But, things were different when I tried to think of it. A five
year old boy would never say that unless he was taught to do so. I wondered about a weird thing,
so I took a walk around the street of my house. Suddenly, after I passed five corners of the street,
I saw a picture sticked into a wall of a house and something written down on it. “Gilbert, 5 years
old, was found dead in this street because of accident.” I was crying. My mind brought me back
to that boy and I never realize how weird this life was.

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