Is he just another guy!?

Even when,

He is the one who comes to my mind first when someone asks of the best buddy.
He is the one who bears my ironic jokes with out complaining

He is the one who cares silently
He is the one who can tell me about my mood without asking
He is the one who gives me his precious time,
He is the one who never says "no" to me
He is the one who is always there for me
He is the one who can be asked to wake me up at 4 in the morning
He is the one whom I can text after midnight
He is the one whom I can ask to talk to me when I feel scary after watching a horror movie
He is the one I never mind teasing me
He is the one with whom I cannot hold my self from talking
He is the one who can understand me without explanations
He is the one from whom I never want any explanation
He is the one who can say something which can keep me smiling for days :D
He is the one whom I can trust with my eyes closed
He is the one whom I can never doubt
He is the one whom I cannot ignore
He is the one whose absence can make me feel empty, & incomplete

And, very recently
He is the one who can make me not only smile but laugh when I am on the verge of crying!

He is the one I never wanna loose!

Is he still just another guy??
Not for me!

He thinks he is a stranger to me even after knowing how much he means in my life!

just because:

I have never seen him in real?
Never met him?
Never faced him?
Never walked with him?
Never talked to him looking direct into his eyes?
Never seen him laughing?
Never seen him crying?
Never seen him depressed?
Never seen him hastily running?
Never seen him playing?
Never seen him worrying?
Never seen him enjoying?
Never known how he smiles?
Never known how he sees with his deep eyes?
Never seen him how he looks different when summer sets in and winter sets out?
Never seen him having fun around the other guys?
Never seen what lies there in his eyes?

If it is so,
Then I am sorry dear,
The reasons you give for being stranger are void and meaningless to me,
for they are so easy to be achieved
What the hell then Skype, Viber, Facebook are doing if they cannot remove all those reasons of your being stranger to me! ??

These things can neither make strangers so special to each other, nor their absence can make you a STRANGER to me!


I am not looking for all this in you!
Neither I am demanding all this from you!

I am thankful to you for what ever you are already giving me!
For, those things cannot be found at any other place, except from the piece of flesh just functioning properly right there in left of your chest

And thus,
I value you
I want you to be at ease always
I never want you to bother yourself due to me
I never want to irritate you
I never want you to spoil your time worth meaningful to you!
I never want to bound you with me against your wishes!
I never want to become a vexing person in your life!

All I want is to:
Steal the reasons of your pain,
Bury the mistakes you regret,
Nourish the plant of your happiness, &
To be the reason of the smile on your face :)

Still if you think that:
You are just another guy, or
You are a stranger!

Then I know nothing of any link that can ever connect these words and you!

All I know is
you are beautiful feeling in me!
A shadow in scorching sun,
The fist drop of rain in a desert,
The eyes of a blind, &
The true meaning of "best friend"!

Still if you think I am failed in perceiving the meanings of "stranger" and the difference between you and the "just another guy", then I am sorry to say,

"You are doing unfair to both of them!"

Interacting with you might be an accident,
Loosing a friend like you will not be less than a LIFE TIME REGRET!

So My stranger, you are not just another guy, but,
No other guy can be like you,
No other guy can replace you!
No-one else can fix into all my stories,
No-one else can play the roles of:
a cruel enemy,
a devil,
an unpredictable alien,
a fake lover,
a flirty guy,
an X-Man,
a ghost rider,
a watermelon,
a zombie,
an evil spirit,
and most important of all,
a true, lovely best friend!!!

No-one is as special as you!

And, if still you think that you are a stranger, then
My dearest and sweetest friend, let me tell you
There is no other guy who can play the role of such a known stranger!!!

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