1. There are possibly just two career options - Doctor Or Engineer. If you aren't planning to be either of them; it's difficult to explain to your how you plan to earn a living.
2. You just don't have to have a phone. your dad necessarily checks it thrice a day.
3. your parents either have overfriendly or control freaks. Normal ones are rare.
4. You have two social media accounts. One, is of course for "FAMILY".
5. No matter however good you're at your job, the kid on the realirty show always gets more importance than you.
6. There is always that one cousin who is single at 26 and you're expected to be like him/her.
7. Parents who allow Girlfriends or boyfriends are but an outcast and shame to the society( obviously according to your parents)
8. There is always that one topper in your neighbourhood and however hard you try; you're just randomly compared to that geek.
9. There is posiibility of heartbreak at any point of time. Parents would take it as illness; but they will NOT accept that it's due to a love affair.
10. And this one is for the girls- turn 20; and everybody around will suddenly be asking you about your marriage.

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