Like any other girl of my age,even I have expectations running over the tracks of my brain of how my guy should be.

First quality that I want in him is that he should be responsible.I believe ,a relationship in itself is a responsibility and he must know how to handle them.

He must understand,the fine line that separates professional life and personal life .What he does in his profession is a performance,showing the world his abilities.His personal life is what happens back stage.That is the real him and he shouldn't try to break the wall that divides the both.

He must be down to earth and humble.I like people who speak about everything else apart from how good they are.Let others tell you how good you are.You don't have to.Others should feel proud about him,not he himself.I call that ego and egoism often breaks relationship.

He must not be a cry baby being unsatisfied with whatever happens every time.One must know,every person we meet is fighting a battle we are not aware of.Being a strong and positive person is necessary.

What's more important in any relationship is trusting each other.I want to marry a guy,who has learnt to trust people.Of course,that comes with time.

let me keep it short since too many expectations are bad for health:p
and also,i am not looking for god.I must talk about what's possible and not a complete DREAM BOY:D

I am definitely not dreaming a fantasy because this is not too much to look for in a guy.May be all these qualities are rare to find in a single person but,I just hope to find one or two of these because I am not looking for Mr perfect,I am looking for someone,who's presence would make my life seem complete.

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